Thursday, September 22, 2011

FYP Proposals

FCM Media Innovation: Final Year Project Proposal 1

Name : Phoon Wai Kit

Student ID : 1071119924

Brand : Teen Suicide

Product Category : Public Service Announcement

Sponsor : Malaysian Psychiatric Association

: Celebrity Fitness


  • The Health Ministry reported that every day, seven people, mainly youths and young adults, end their own lives. An estimated 140 people attempt suicide daily.

· Cases of teen suicide have been on the rise recently due to various problems such as relationships, studies, careers, families as well as depression.

· Problematic teens take suicide as problem solving method.

· Peer pressure, internet influence and wrong information all leads to bad decision making.

Market situation

· Talks are held in schools and university to create awareness among teenagers

· To spot or identify problematic or mentally disturbed friends or peers.

· Articles on newspaper has been published since the recent teen suicide case

· Talks by the ministry to curb or prevent cases like these to happen

· The be-frienders hotline

Issue and Problems

· Awareness campaigns were not set up enough to create an impact or strong message to be delivered.

· Issue not taken serious long enough to incite awareness in teenagers

· Cases would only be taken seriously when the real thing happened, but for only a moment and people will forget over time.

· Counseling for mentally disturbed teenagers not available all the time


· Awareness campaigns should set up once in a month in schools, universities and other strategic location so that the awareness stays in the mind of the people.

· Set up several hotlines for troubled teens to seek help.

· Instead of PSA commercial on less smoking, domestic violence and rape. There should be one regarding teen suicide. Teach people how to identify troubled behavior and change of attitude in teens.







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